The Bottom Line

Your Front Line Leaders… The Epicenter of Satisfaction

As leaders in the whirlwind environment of the contact center. We like to cut to the chase. We want to see it, believe it, and act on it. That’s who we are and a big part of why we’re successful.

But, hold your horses.

When it comes to employee satisfaction things are not always as we think or believe. Mistaking what you think your team is feeling from what they’re actually feeling can be extremely dangerous. Low satisfaction levels are a major contributor to increased costs (attrition) and poor customer experiences (churn).

So what do we do about it? We usually have a few agent focus groups. We see it, believe it, and do our best to act upon it.

So what happens next? We do it again and hope for the best…

What’s missing?

All too often we don’t get to the actual source of agent satisfaction… Our Supervisors and Front Line Leaders. This is what is known as the Epicenter of Satisfaction.

Consider a 25 year Gallup Study that polled over 7,000 companies & 12 million people. What did employees say was the most important factor determining their satisfaction level?

Drum roll, Please… The Employees Direct Supervisor.

Doesn’t it make sense then that we focus our efforts on ensuring our Supervisors love where they work? If our Supervisors are happy and fulfilled our agents are much more likely to enjoy where they work as well. It’s very simple.

So what can we do about it? The first place to start is by listening to our Supervisors and acting upon what they tell us. This is NOT a one time activity. Set up a consistent process for hearing from your front line leaders and take action on their concerns. Involve them in the problem solving aspect, ask for solutions, and most importantly be forthright and honest in your follow-up.

You may have heard the old saying “They don’t care how much you know, unless they know how much you care”. Show your Supervisors how much you care by listening to them and acting on their feedback and they will return the love big time. You’ll see…

New Hire Attrition: Solving A Costly Problem

Solving the problem of new hire agent attrition is an ongoing challenge in contact centers, and more than likely, on your team. The cost of agent attrition ranges from $2,500/Per Agent to $9,500+ (depending on industry). These costs are based on average agent tenure. The cost of losing an agent in their first 90 days of employment are significantly higher due to a combination of recruiting/hiring costs and a reduced agent lifespan. This costly combination cripples the ROI in the agent-turnover cost equation.

While completely eliminating new hire agent attrition is a pipe dream. Reducing it is entirely within our control as contact center leaders. The benefits go beyond cost reduction. For example, every day an agent stays with your team and company, they become more proficient at their task, and thereby more productive.

The benefits are simple… reduced costs + improved performance = increased profitability for you, your team, and company. In our book, mastering the big 5, we have outlined several fundamental approaches you can take as a Supervisor, Trainer, Manager, or Director to positively impact employee satisfaction, morale, and productivity. Here are a couple tidbits you may consider implementing…

ACCLIMATE YOUR NEW HIRES TO YOUR TEAM – Introduce them at the first opportunity to your team and have a simple welcome reception. Talk to them about where they will sit, who they will be sitting next to, and why.

ASSIGN A MENTOR – Ideally, this would be who they would sit next to. Ensure your Mentor reinforces the same skills that were taught in training, and that you will teach in your development sessions. This consistent message from Trainer, Supervisor, and Mentor builds confidence.

SET EXPECTATIONS – Talk with your new hire about the basic expectations you have for them as an Agent and as a teammate.

ORIENT THEM TO THE COACHING PROCESS – This is where you “Set the Stage”, outline the process for
coaching and development, and ask your new Agent how they want to be coached to success.

These are just a few of the items you can implement from the mtb5 “Captain’s Checklist”.What are some things you do to reduce your 0-90 day agent attrition? We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Share your ideas with other contact center leaders right here and benefit from the exchange…

Contact Us at or (866) WIN-mtb5 to learn more!